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Routing and Access Control

Incoming requests for your app are routed and authenticated by the Portal core according to your configuration in app_meta.json.


Each Portal has a unique URL containing its random six-digit identifier, e.g. Each app is reachable at a subdomain of that URL, e.g. HTTP Requests to this subdomain are forwarded to a port of one the docker containers of that app that is specified in the app_meta.json file in the entrypoints section.

You can also configure Portal to forward MQTT connections in the same way, but they are not protected by Portal's access control mechanism like HTTP requests are.


As an app developer, you do not need to concern yourself with TLS and certificates. Your app only needs to expose a port that offers HTTP connections. Portal manages its own certificate that is valid for all of its subdomains which means it covers all of its installed apps as well.

Access Control

Portal attempts to authenticate the sources of incoming requests and applies access control accordingly. By using the paths section in the app_meta.json, you can choose which path prefixes should have which type of access and what should be the default access type.

HTTP only

This kind of access control is only applied to entrypoints of the type http. Entrypoints of the type mqtt are public by default, and you have to add your own access control mechanism.

Path prefixes are evaluated against the path of the incoming request from longest to shortest. The first matching prefix is chosen and its access control policy is applied to the request. You must include the empty string "" as the default option that is evaluated last. There are three types of access that you can use:

  • public means no access control; anyone can access this path.
  • private means that only paired devices may access this path; these belong to the Portal's owner.
  • peer means that other Portals that have been added as peers may access this path.

After authentication, if the request is forwarded, Portal adds headers to the request that you defined for that path. You can use them inside your app for more fine-grained access control or other logic.

When defining the headers, you can use template variables contained in Jinja-like double curly braces. Available variables are:

variable description example
auth.client_type The type of client that sent the request terminal or peer or anonymous
auth.client_id The cryptographic ID of the Terminal or Peer eie767
auth.client_name The user-assigned name of the Terminal or Peer my notebook

In addition, you can use all variables that describe the Portal itself.

variable description example
portal.domain The fully qualified domain name of the Portal The full-length hash-ID of the Portal 8271ddlqxa [...] 8s598f2
portal.short_id The first six digits of the Portal's hash-ID 8271dd
portal.public_key_pem The Portal's public key in PEM format -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICI [...] wEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n


Path-based AC

If your app's path schema naturally distinguishes public and private parts by their path prefixes, then defining access control like described above may be a suitable approach. You just have to define the default access and the paths that should be private/public.

Consider an app named myapp which has the path section in the app_meta.json configured like this:

"paths": {
  "": {
    "access": "private",
    "headers": {
      "X-Ptl-Client-Id": "{{ auth.client_id }}",
      "X-Ptl-Client-Name": "{{ auth.client_name }}",
      "X-Ptl-Client-Type": "{{ auth.client_type }}"
  "/public/": {
    "access": "public"

This would lead to the access control behavior visualized below.

graph TD
  Request --> sub{subdomain?};
  sub -->|myapp| pre{prefix?};
  sub -->|anything else| away[route another way];
  pre -->|not /public| auth{authentication?};
  auth -->|fail| deny[deny access];
  auth -->|success| head_auth[apply headers:<br>X-Ptl-Client-Type=terminal<br>X-Ptl-Client-Name=My Notebook<br>X-Ptl-Client-Id=eie767w];
  pre -->|/public| forward[forward to app container];
  head_auth --> forward

App-specific AC

If your AC needs are more complex, you might want to implement the required logic yourself.

By choosing app-specific AC, you instruct the Portal to let all incoming requests reach your app but still populate the http headers with IDs and names of clients. This allows you to know for each request from which kind of client it originated and if applicable from which specific terminal or peer. Based on that information, you can make all the access control decisions you need.

Consider an app named myapp which has the path section in the app_meta.json configured like this:

"paths": {
  "": {
    "access": "public",
    "headers": {
      "X-Ptl-Client-Id": "{{ auth.client_id }}",
      "X-Ptl-Client-Name": "{{ auth.client_name }}",
      "X-Ptl-Client-Type": "{{ auth.client_type }}"

This would lead to the access control behavior visualized below.

graph TD
  Request --> sub{subdomain?};
  sub -->|myapp| auth{authentication?};
  sub -->|anything else| away[route another way];
  auth -->|fail| head_no_auth[apply headers:<br>X-Ptl-Client-Type=public<br>X-Ptl-Client-Name=<br>X-Ptl-Client-Id=];
  head_no_auth --> forward[forward to app container];
  auth -->|success: Terminal| head_auth_terminal[apply headers:<br>X-Ptl-Client-Type=terminal<br>X-Ptl-Client-Name=My Notebook<br>X-Ptl-Client-Id=eie767w];
  head_auth_terminal --> forward;
  auth -->|success: Peer| head_auth_peer[apply headers:<br>X-Ptl-Client-Type=peer<br>X-Ptl-Client-Name=John Doe<br>X-Ptl-Client-Id=c0p3x5];
  head_auth_peer --> forward;